1. Understanding the History of Your Condition - One of our Sports Therapists will have an in-depth consultation with you to discuss the history of your injury, as well as use various assessment techniques to identify or rule out causes of symptoms. During the full consultation, notes will be taken to assist us with finding the root cause of your injury.

2. Simple / Easy-to-Follow Terms - At SPH, we believe it is imperative that the patients/clients fully understand the information being shared; therefore, we explain everything in simple (Lehman) terms. The delivery of the information will result in a better understanding of the anatomy, causes of the injuries, symptoms and complications for the patient/client. We will then discuss injury management; how we can assist you in decreasing pain, whilst increasing range of movement and correcting any strength discrepancies/imbalances to get you restored to functional movement.

3. Tailored Treatment Plans - Another consultation will take place to discuss all treatments available, with the main focus on formulating an effective treatment/rehabilitation strategy to improve your condition; thus providing.



60 Minutes Session

Examination and Assessment is crucial as it determines the severity, irritability and nature of a patient’s condition. Information provided will help our Therapists produce effective methods of treatment and prognosis of the injury. Individuals will go through a series of; subjective, observational and physical assessments, all these components are essential for identifying the best treatment for you.



90 Minutes Session

All sports/non-sports related injuries whether acute or chronic conditions, will benefit from physiotherapy. Dealing with such injuries sooner rather than later will be beneficial for the latter stages of your life. Sports Performance Hub handles all injuries thoroughly while following research-based rehabilitation protocols with the addition of our knowledge to normalise pain-free functional movement and get you back into what you do best!



60 Minute Sessions

These Strength & Conditioning sessions are designed to improve the individual's physical and technical components of fitness, with a wide range of training sessions to enhance a players’ athletic performance. This service involves a wide variety of exercises to obtain personal and personalised goals such as; mobility, stability, muscular strength, power, speed, agility and many more during daily or physical activities.



30 Minutes Session 60 Minutes Session

Massage alongside other soft tissue techniques can benefit everybody. Our clients range from high-level athletes to amateur sportsmen and women, as well as daily active or sedentary individuals. Some people require treatment for specific injuries or conditions whilst others prefer ongoing regular maintenance massages to help prevent injury and aid in the relaxation of muscles. Our team is ready to cater to YOU!


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